1940 Instuction Booklet frontpage all models
Model 100 Redwing pic
Mod 20 Red Panther pic
Oilpump pic
Lubrication 2
chain adjustment
chain adjustment back wheel
Mod 100 decarbonisation
Mod 85 Redwing pic
General adjustments, wheel bearings, magneto and dynamo chain.
General adjustments, timing gear, over oiling and spare parts.
Valve remover and exhaust nut spanner.
General information mod 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100.
Instruktion Booklet for Panthers mod 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.
Maintenance, engine, carb, clutch and transmission
Maintenance brakes, electrcal and fork.
Mod 100 decarbonisation 2